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Jul 14, 2016

When its dark outside its always cozy with some candles, so here are some pictures of a candle I tried the trick were you blow out the light and light it again throught the air. These pictures was taken by a Canon eos 750D with a standar lens.
Here they are!

Feel free to use these pictures to whatever you want!

Jul 11, 2016

Berry`s from my garden
Some days ago I was kind of bored so I went down in my garden and took a few pictures of some of the berry`s. These pictures was taken by a Canon eos 750D with a standar lens. 
Here they are!

Feel free to use these pictures to whatever you want!
Yesterday I went on a hike to a mountain not that far from my home, and here are some of the pictures I took. These pictures was taken by a Canon eos 750D with a standar lens.
Here are they!

Feel free to use these pictures to whatever you want!

Jun 30, 2016

Cabin trip
I have been at my cabin for four days now and took some pictures. I didn`t take as many pictures as I wanted to, but I took some. These pictures was taken by a Canon eos 750D with a standar lens. 
Here they are!

Feel free to use these pictures to whatever you want!

Jun 24, 2016

Farm visit
For 4 days now I have been visiting a farm, here are some pictures from the farm.These pictures was taken by a Canon eos 750D with a standar lens.
Here are they!

Feel free to use these pictures to whatever you want!

Jun 12, 2016

Today it was a lot of bumblebees on one of the flowerbushed in my garden, of cuorse I took some pictures. These pictures was taken by a Canon eos 750D with a standar lense. 
Here they are.

Feel free to use these pictures to whatever you want!

May 31, 2016

Gas mask
It`s only one picture today. I was bored and took some pictures, most of them was the same so I chose one of the pictures. This pictures was taken by a Canon eos 750D with a standar lense with some darkness effect in the backround. 
Here it is!
Feel free to use this picture to whatever you want!